Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sharing my work

Not putting it off anymore...  Here are the pages I've been working on so far in class...
Pikes Peak -- chalk

 Setting Intentions -- chalk and markers

 Words and pictures that speak to me

25+ Things I Like to Do -- acrylic, pen, metallic gold acrylic on a wood ball rolled across the paper

 Watercolor with metallic gold acrylic on a wood ball rolled across the paper

Changing self-talk, Mantras -- crayon, marker, watercolor

25+ Things I WANT to Do -- Acrylic, playing with different textures

Acrylic on plastic produce netting with stamps made from silk leaves

Watercolor flowers made with kids' sponge brushes

Acrylic with plastic wrap stamping

Kids' dot painters with oil pastels

Scribbles with crayons and markers

Watercolors using various brushes, opposite hand, salt shake

Envelopes for 25 things -- watercolor, oil pastels

Letting Go of Perfect -- Acrylic using various applicators, overlay of torn paper w/ markers

Layering acrylics


Acrylics using toilet paper tubes


Acrylics with various applicators


Watercolors using a straw

Oil pastel with torn paper watercolor overlays

More doodles

Freely drawn bunnies

1 comment:

  1. Your doodles are awesome! I love the bold colors and the images you worked into them.
